If you ask someone about news outlets you will be told which news outlet(s) they think are biased and which news outlet(s) they think tells the truth. The truth of the matter is that all of them will eventually reveal their biases depending on the subject matter. They will sometimes slant the truth in favor of their beliefs and sometimes they will outright lie because the truth does not support their personal agenda. For example, there is no question about the fact that there is one television news outlet that supports a particular political party in totality, and that is their only purpose in life. There are other television news outlets that support a particular political party on a part time basis. The problem is not which political party they support or the fact that they support a particular party. The problem is that they disguise themselves as news outlets. News outlets are supposed to report the news; not try to shape political opinions. For example, a news story goes like this: “Today there was a fire in a dry goods store in Downtown City USA. No one was hurt and no other buildings were damaged.” That is the news. But when you get that same news from a politically oriented so-called news outlet, it will sound like this: “Today there was a fire in a dry goods store in Downtown City USA. No one was hurt and no other buildings were damaged. But don’t go away! We will now explain how the fire was the fault of that ‘other’ party”.

It’s ok for a news outlet to have a political opinion segment of their reporting, such as a newspaper has a political commentary section. But politics should not to be a news outlets primary purpose. If it is, then they need to remove the word “news” from their name and replace it with an appropriate name. In other words, be honest with the viewing public for a change.

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